The first hot fix and service pack for Oracle BPM 10gR3 were released. If you do a quick search on Google, you'll surprisingly found that it is still published on BEA web site for some reason.
I did noticed that folks run into problems applying the hot fix. I am not sure if there is any customer out there who is using this release. However, as it is first release under Oracle, it shoud have drew enough attention of the public. Besides, bloody Windows still owns almost 80% of the OS market. So I reckon that this post won't be a waste of time anyway.
Finally we got something officially, this is a known issue for Studio(Windows only).
Symptom: Errors will be encountered when applying hot fix for OBPM studio 10gR3 GA.
"Files in use by another application. Stop all BPM applications before installing this update.Detail:The following file could not be modified: C:\Oracle\BPMStudio\lib\fuego.boot.jar."Solution:
1. shutdown Studio
2. download the
fuego.boot.jar(MP0 hotfix) or
fuego.boot.jar(MP1) file listed in the download website for your particular update.
3. copy the downloaded fuego.boot.jar file to
studio_installation_dir/lib4.start Studio
5. apply either the HF
Note: There are 2 different fuego.boot.jar files. This needs to be done only once for 10gR3 GA. After you have applied the hotfix or or pactchset(MP), you don't need to do it again.
Check Help - About for version info: Build #94551 or Build #94375
For more info, check this out: updates:
If you try to upgrade from ALBPM 6.0 MP4 to MP5, you'll probably run into the same issue.
"This HotFix cannot be applied to this product version. Detail: Current Version: 4 - HotFix Service Pack Version: 5".The workaround is to shutdown Studio, copy the fuego.boot.jar file from STUDIO_INSTALL_DIR/studio/studio/eclipse/plugins/fuego.boot_6.0.0 to STUDIO_INSTALL_DIR/lib, overwrite the one there. Start Studio and apply the hot fix again.
replace the one in /lib